News apps like flipboard
News apps like flipboard

news apps like flipboard

Add original content to magazines, ask questions of your followers, or share a photo. With the new features, Flipboard is a great tool to have in your social media arsenal and a more robust way to build a community. Lifewire offers a tutorial on how to do this, if you qualify: Flipboard Storyboards: How to Set Up and Use Them. Kristina Tip #4: Once you get to a certain number of followers (she’s not sure just how many), you can get access to a Storyboard feature that is like a “mini magazine” and can be useful to create limited edition collections (my summary of the concept). Tons more people follow hashtags now as a way to get their version of news, which is across every topic imaginable. Remember to study the various tags that relate to you. Kristina Tip #3: Like most platforms, the hashtag is clutch. The magazine format is a great way to visualize your work. Kristina Tip #2: Not everything you do on Flipboard needs to be public, you can set up a brainstorm group, or a project group, and share your ideas, documents, images, to a private list of people.

News apps like flipboard